How 5G will Penetrate the Industry and Accelerate the Evolution of DNS
Main Event Topics
01 April 2022
One of the primary visions for any new network technology is improved performance, and 5G is no exception. To achieve the performance of the 5G technology, data-intensive services such as video streaming and along with the increasing number of applications, especially in industry verticals (retail, manufacturing, transportation and warehousing, and health) required low latency access for the network services. To attain the low latency in 5G, the use of edge computing for critical infrastructure services such as DNS, will reduce the backhauled traffic and improved overall user experience in accessing the network services.
As 5G is mainly associated with speed and high performance, inability to deliver quick responses will result to a devastated failure in meeting the end-users’ expectations and demands. The pervasive connectivity of 5G will increase reliance on edge computing, which brings cloud resources compute, storage and networking closer to the applications, devices and users. 5G implementation will require greater use of small cell stations at the very edge of the network, so all data don’t have to travel long distances to a cloud or data centre. For this to be possible, it will require a shift from current DNS architectures and technologies, which tend to utilize a small number of large regional data centers, to a more distributed model consisting of a much higher number of smaller DNS nodes.
When it comes to security, thousands of new locations of the smaller DNS nodes increase the potential for security threats. In this regards, DNS can be leveraged to block various types of attacks at the edge. Functioning to handle any intent of connection from a user to an application server by resolving the domain name to a technical IP address, DNS is an excellent viewpoint for applying a first layer of security, allowing abnormal access requests to be filtered out. Therefore, data processing at the edge of a network and bringing it closer to the location where it is needed gives benefit in providing low-latency and secured DNS in a 5G network.
The benefits are clear and 5G is likely to impact every aspect of the industry, however, deploying 5G poses challenges for network operators. It requires operators to rethink a new DNS network architecture and technology to support their network services. DNS evolution is expected to boost demand on the network architectures and technologies to connect to the network safely and reliably. To address this evolution, organizations need to take advantage of distributed DNS technology to enable seamless access for the consumers in the growing digital economy.
