Triple I Policy and Process
How MYNIC handles mis-information in domain name registration

How MYNIC handles entities using invalid/expired certificate

How MYNIC handles terminated entities

MYNIC's Policy on Supporting Documents and Process on Incomplete, Incorrect and Inaccurate Information ("Triple I")
- This document sets out MYNIC's rules and regulations regarding the information provided by the Registrant for the application of a new domain name, renewal, transfer of a registered domain name and modifying of an existing Registrant's name. MYNIC's Process on Incomplete, Incorrect and Inaccurate Information ("Triple I") is prepared by us, MYNIC Berhad (735031-H).
- Pursuant to the Agreement for Registration of Domain Name ("Registration Agreement"), registrants are obligated to ensure that all information that is provided to MYNIC's in dealing with their domain names shall be complete, correct and accurate at all times.
- Any party that wants to use the Triple I process to lodge a complaint against a registrant ("Complainant") shall comply with the terms of the Triple I.
- Triple I is not arbitration or a dispute resolution process.
2. Registrations and Renewals
- For new registrations submitted directly to MYNIC or the Resellers, you are required to furnish relevant supporting documents to MYNIC or the Resellers.
- Where you are required to submit relevant supporting documents to MYNIC or the Resellers, your domain name will be registered after the application and the relevant supporting documents have been received and verified.
- The Registrant's name must be the organisation's / institution's / individual's name as EXACTLY stated in the relevant supporting documents.
- For new,, and .my domain name registrations via Resellers, organisations formed pursuant to the Business Registration Act 1956, Companies Act 2016 and Legal Profession Act 1976, need not submit hard copies of their supporting documents to Resellers, unless specifically requested.
- For the avoidance of doubt, all other types of applicants shall submit the appropriate supporting documents detailed in Triple I and such other documents as may be required by MYNIC.
- Where required to submit supporting documents, you shall have fourteen (14) days to furnish MYNIC or the Reseller, as applicable, with your supporting documents, failing which your application to register a domain name will be cancelled. However, if your application to register a domain name has been cancelled, it may be resubmitted subject to the availability of the domain name.
- You warrant that all information submitted in your application to register a domain name is complete, correct and accurate.
- MYNIC reserves the right to suspend, delete and/or transfer the domain names of Registrants who have been found to have provided incomplete, incorrect or inaccurate information in their applications to register a domain name.
- MYNIC reserves the right to carry out random checks on the veracity of the information submitted by Registrants from time to time.
3. Transferring a Registered Domain Name
- An application to transfer a domain name will be subject to the requirements in Triple I as required for registering a new domain name.
4. Modifying an Existing Registrant's Name
- Registrants may apply to make modifications to reflect a legal name change, if the registrants are governed by the following laws:
- a company registered under the Companies Act 2016,
- a business registered under the Business Registration Act 1956; or
- a society registered under the Societies Act 1966.
- You must furnish the Supporting Documents as provided in Paragraph 6 to MYNIC. Your application will be approved after the application and relevant supporting documents have been received and verified.
5. Complaint
- Where a Complainant believes that a .my,,,, or a domain name has been registered based on incomplete, incorrect or inaccurate information, the Complainant may lodge a complaint with MYNIC by way of MYNIC's complaints process.
- Where a complaint has been lodged with MYNIC, MYNIC will take the following action:
- will validate/verify and consider the complaint;
- if the complaint is found to be justified, launch the further processes (as appropriate) identified below; and
- if the complaint is found to be unjustified, respond to you accordingly.
- Where a complaint has been found to be justified and is in respect of .my,,,, or domains, MYNIC will take the following further action:
- notify the Reseller via e-mail and give the Reseller 10 days to contact the Registrant at the Registrant's given e-mail address(es) in order to update the Registrant's information;
- if no update/modification is received within 10 days from the Registrant, MYNIC will notify the Registrant directly via e-mail and give the Registrant 20 days to update the information;
- failing an update of the information from the registrant within the given 20 days, MYNIC will issue a notice to the Registrant at the Registrant's given e-mail address(es) and suspend the domain name for a period of 30 days; and
- if the information is not updated during the suspension period, MYNIC will issue a notice to the Registrant at the Registrant's given e-mail address(es) and delete the domain name.
- For the purpose of this section, the registrant"s e-mail contact details as provided in the application or as up-dated in the MYNIC system shall be the e-mail addresses that MYNIC uses to correspond with the Registrant.
- It is the duty of the registrant to notify MYNIC upon the information being updated. The suspended domain name shall be reinstated upon the information being verified by MYNIC. MYNIC will accept no responsibility or liability for any delay in reinstating the domain name.
- MYNIC reserves the right to carry out random checks on the veracity of the information submitted by Registrants from time to time and should it be discovered that a .my,,,, or a domain name has been registered based on incomplete, incorrect or inaccurate information, MYNIC may launch the above complaints process without the need of a complaint.
- For the avoidance of doubt and notwithstanding the above, should it be confirmed at any time, that the Registrant had provided grossly inaccurate information or false Registrant contact details in the Registrant's original domain name registration, MYNIC shall have the right to forthwith delete or suspend the domain name for breach of the Registration Agreement.
- Paragraph 5.7 is subject at all times to the Registrant's payment of the annual renewal fees when it becomes due. Failing renewal, the domain name will lapse and MYNIC will proceed to delete the domain name.
- Deletion of any domain name would be equivalent to releasing the domain name into the public pool and have the domain name made available for registration on a first come and first served basis.
- MYNIC may add, vary and/or modify the Triple I process, from time to time, without prior notice.
6. Supporting Documents
- Registrants are required to submit relevant documents to MYNIC or the Resellers in order to support their application for the registration, modification or transfer of domain names ("Supporting Documents").
- Subject to changes and updates from time to time, example of the Supporting Documents for organisations certified by the relevant Malaysian authorities are as follows:
Company pursuant to Companies Act 2016 (Akta Syarikat 2016) | Certification (Perakuan Pendaftaran) by Registrar of Companies (Pendaftar Syarikat) i.e.
Business pursuant to Business Registration Act 1956 (Akta Pendaftaran Perniagaan 1956) | Certification (Perakuan Pendaftaran) by Registrar of Business (Pendaftar Perniagaan) i.e.
Society pursuant to Societies Act 1966 (Akta Pertubuhan 1966) | Certification (Perakuan Pendaftaran) by Registrar of Societies (Pendaftar Persatuan) i.e.
Note: For details of Supporting Documents information, please refer to Supporting Document.