Accessibility & Settings


Domain Availability

You can search for available .MY domain names using our domain name availability checker and purchase it through MYNIC Registrars. Please ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements for .MY domain name registration. The registration process operates on a first-come, first-served basis, allowing domain names to be registered for a minimum of 1 year and up to a maximum of 10 years.

Registration Period

During the registration period, your domain name is active, allowing you to change the contact information, registrant, and nameserver. You can also transfer the domain name to another Registrar.

To sustain the active status of your domain name, it is important to renew it before expiration. Consistent renewal ensures that associated services, such as your website or email service, remain accessible and uninterrupted.

You can renew your domain name for a minimum of 1 year and up to a maximum of 10 years depending on your eligible remaining year(s).

Your domain Registrar will send you reminders before the expiration date to ensure that you don't miss the deadline and risk losing your domain name. It is vital to keep your email address and contact information up to date so that you don't miss these reminders and other important communications.

If you request to delete your domain name before it expires, the domain name will be immediately placed in the Redemption Grace Period of 30 days, followed by a Pending Delete period of 5 days.

Auto Renew Grace Period

If your domain name is not renewed before its expiration date, it will enter the Auto Renew Grace Period. This period allows you to renew your domain without incurring additional fees, offering a grace period after the expiration date to secure your domain without the immediate risk of loss.

Auto Renew Grace Period length varies depending on Registrars, with up to 45 days for domain name holders to pay for the domain renewal. Throughout this period, your domain name may either remain active or become suspended, depending on your Registrar.

As the Auto Renew Grace Period starts, the Registry (MYNIC) temporarily extends your domain's expiry date to one year, reflected as 'auto renew period' in WHOIS domain status. For example, if your domain name expires on 1st March 2024 10:00 am, it will be temporarily extended to 1st March 2025 10:00 am. Using this example, below are 3 possible situations that could happen during this period:

If you don't renew you domain name within Auto Renew Grace Period
  • Your domain name will enter Redemption Grace Period
  • Your domain name expiry date will revert to 1st March 2024 10:00 am (original expiry date)
If you renew your domain name within the Auto Renew Grace Period for one year
  • Your domain name will be reactivated
  • Your new expiry date will be on 1st March 2025 10:00 am
  • In WHOIS, the “auto renew period” status will remain until the Auto Renew Grace Period ends. After that, it will change to “active”
If you renew your domain name within the Auto Renew Grace Period for multiple years (e.g. 3 years)
  • Your domain name will be reactivated
  • Your new expiry date will be changed to 1st March 2027 10:00 am
  • In WHOIS, the domain status will be immediately changed to “renew period” for 5 days. After that, it will change to "active"

Redemption Grace Period

If you don’t renew your domain name during the Auto Renew Grace Period, the domain name will move to the Redemption Grace Period for 30 days. During Redemption Grace Period, you can still renew your domain name with your Registrar but you will be charged a redemption fee in addition to the renewal fee of one year. The redemption fee may vary between Registrars.

During this period, your domain name will become suspended (server hold) and other services associated with your domain name such as your website and email address will cease to function.

Pending Delete

After the Redemption Grace Period, your domain name will move to the Pending Delete period for 5 days. During this period, the domain name can no longer be restored or modified.


Once the Pending Delete period ends, your domain name will be deleted and becomes publicly available for new registration on a first-come, first-served basis.

Domain Status

Domain status is displayed alongside domain name when queried in MYNIC WHOIS page. The following is the complete status list and definition for each:

Domain StatusDefinition
add periodThis domain has recently been registered.
activeThis domain is currently active. Domain transfer or update are allowed.
renew periodThis domain has recently been renewed.
transfer periodThis domain has recently been transferred to another Registrar.
server holdThis domain is currently suspended and all services associated with this domain are unavailable. Please contact your Registrar to request for more information.
auto renew period This domain name is expired and has been temporarily extended for 1 year by Registry. This extension lasts for up to 45 days depending on the Registrar. Please contact your Registrar to request more information on renewal.
client holdThis domain name is currently suspended and all services associated with this domain name are unavailable. Please contact your Registrar to request for more information.
client transfer prohibitedThis domain name cannot be transferred to another Registrar. This is usually due to domain name expiry or the domain name is in the auto renew grace period.
client renew prohibitedThis domain name cannot be renewed. This is usually due to ongoing domain name disputes or when your domain name is subject to deletion. Please contact your Registrar to request for more information.
client update prohibited
This domain name’s contact and nameserver information cannot be updated. Please contact your Registrar to request for more information.
client delete prohibited
This domain name cannot be deleted. Please contact your Registrar to request for more information.
server renew prohibitedThis domain name cannot be renewed. This is usually due to ongoing domain name disputes or when your domain name is subject to deletion.
server transfer prohibitedThis domain name cannot be transferred to another Registrar. This is usually due to ongoing domain name disputes, prevented by registry lock, the domain name has expired or the domain name is in the redemption grace period.
server update prohibitedThis domain name’s contact and nameserver information cannot be updated. This is usually due to ongoing domain name disputes, prevented by registry lock or the domain name is in the redemption grace period.
server delete prohibitedThis domain name cannot be deleted. This is usually due to ongoing domain name disputes, prevented by registry lock, or the domain name is in the redemption grace period and scheduled for deletion.
redemption periodThis domain is in the redemption grace period. Please contact your Registrar to avoid deletion.
pending restoreThis domain is being restored to active status. Please contact your Registrar for more information.
pending deleteThis domain has not been renewed and scheduled for deletion.
inactiveThis domain has no nameservers associated to it.


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